The Power of Taking Breaks: Why Your Boutique Fitness Studio Should Embrace Holiday Closures

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The Power of Taking Breaks: Why Your Boutique Fitness Studio Should Embrace Holiday Closures

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As a boutique fitness studio owner, your dedication to your clients is unparalleled. What other industry is expected to be "on," open, and available to clients all day, every day? Would anyone write a mean review because their dentist was closed on Sundays or didn't respond to a cancelation request overnight? Of course not. You're probably always working, and your clients are grateful for it (hopefully!)

Of course, you're also intrinsically motivated. You thrive on seeing your clients' progress, celebrating their achievements, and fostering a supportive community. However, in your pursuit of your dream studio, it's easy to overlook an essential element of success: taking breaks. With summer slowdowns possibly taking over and holidays like the Fourth of July and Labor Day approaching, now is the perfect time to consider the benefits of giving yourself and your team a well-deserved break.

The Importance of Taking Breaks

Taking regular breaks is crucial for maintaining high levels of productivity, creativity, and overall well-being in the long term. In our industry- fitness in general and for studio owners - it's standard to push through without pause. However, just like you'd tell your clients, you have to take breaks if you want to keep growing. Research consistently shows that not taking appropriate breaks leads to burnout, decreased efficiency, and even physical and mental health issues.

The Burnout Epidemic

Burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It's not just a buzzword; it's a real and growing concern, especially in high-energy fields like fitness. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, nearly 79% of employed people experienced work-related stress in the past year, with a significant number reporting physical and emotional exhaustion. Entrepreneurship is no exception. The pressure to succeed, coupled with long hours, can lead to considerable stress and burnout.

Statistics paint a concerning picture:

  • High Burnout Rates: A survey by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that 72% of entrepreneurs report feeling stressed, with 60% experiencing burnout at some point.
  • Mental Health Concerns: According to a study by Michael A. Freeman, 49% of entrepreneurs deal with at least one work-related mental health condition. Burnout and stress-related issues are common among them.
  • Physical Health Impact: The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes burnout as an occupational phenomenon, linking it to physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and weakened immune function. Entrepreneurs, who often neglect breaks, are particularly susceptible. How often are you actually taking and enjoying class at your studio with your owner brain turned off? If you're like most fitness studio owners, you work out less now than you did before you opened.

So, what can you do? Take breaks- whole studio breaks- to turn your brain off. There are a few different ways you could implement these closures. You could close for major holidays, close for a week one to a few times a year, or even take a day of the week entirely off (like Sundays). Why not just take it off personally and let your staff work? You can, but most likely, if your studio is open, a part of your brain is still working, especially if you end up needing subs or scheduling it to begin with.

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Benefits of Closures:

1. Improved Mental Health: Giving your staff and yourself time off during holidays, or any other pre-set time, can significantly reduce stress levels. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, taking breaks helps reduce stress and improves mental clarity and focus. Meaning you come back from breaks with more potential for success than before.

2. Enhanced Productivity: It might seem counterintuitive, but taking time off can boost productivity. A study by the University of Illinois found that taking breaks helps prevent decision fatigue and increases overall productivity when you return to work.

3. Increased Creativity: Stepping away from the routine allows your brain to rest and rejuvenate, which can lead to bursts of creativity and new ideas for your business. The Harvard Business Review reports that people who take breaks are more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems.

4. Better Physical Health: Prolonged periods without rest can lead to physical ailments such as tension headaches, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. Taking breaks helps mitigate these risks, ensuring you and your team stay healthy.

5. Strengthened Team Morale: Closing for holidays can boost morale and loyalty by showing your team that you value their well-being. Happy employees are more engaged and committed to their work, leading to a more positive studio environment.

Implementing Holiday Closures:

Plan Ahead: Communicate with your clients well in advance about the planned closures through newsletters, social media posts, and in-studio announcements.

Offer Alternatives: Consider offering pre-recorded classes or online sessions that clients can access during the closure period. This way, if they absolutely have to work out, they can still stay active without physically attending the studio. Most of the time, your clients appreciate the guilt-free break, too.

Encourage Self-Care: Use this time to encourage your clients to engage in their own self-care practices. You could share tips on taking a mental health break during the studio closure, including meditation, time outside, or active rest.

Reflect and Recharge: Use the time off to reflect on your business goals, assess your progress, and recharge your batteries. Doing so can help you return with a fresh perspective and renewed energy to drive your studio forward.

As you navigate boutique fitness studio ownership, remember that taking breaks is not a luxury but a necessity. Embracing periodic closures can lead to improved mental and physical health, increased productivity, and a stronger, more engaged team. By prioritizing breaks, you're not only investing in your own well-being but also the long-term success of your business.

So, go ahead and plan that break. Your studio, your team, and your clients will all be better for it.

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About the author:

Niki Riga
Industry Expert
Limitless Studio

Niki has been a client, a studio owner, and a coach in boutique fitness for over a decade, and she can’t think of an industry she'd rather be in. Her favorite part about coaching and studio ownership are the same: she loves supporting clients as they push past their limits and achieve their goals. Niki became a coach because she was regularly asked, “how did you do that!?” by other studio owners who were drowning in the day-to-day responsibilities of business ownership but didn’t have the support to grow their studio to its potential. She created Limitless Studio to partner with owners who have a vision for their business and are ready to implement systems to build the studio of their dreams.